Homelessness + Education

This week’s discussion delves into the profound impact of homelessness on students and their educational journeys. Exploring the resilience of homeless students, the documentary and readings reveal compelling examples where individuals triumph over adversities like unstable housing, financial constraints, and societal stigma to pursue education. Emphasizing resilience’s emotional and psychological aspects, the discussions probe into how these students maintain a positive outlook amid challenging circumstances, investigating common characteristics or coping mechanisms that stand out. According to the documentary, “ There are 2,000-3,000 homeless youth out on the streets of Chicago every night.” (De Mare, Kelly, & Taber, & De Mare & Kelly, 2014). If If this is true, then what are we doing about it? We have become too nonchalant about homelessness and need to bring it to light. It’s almost as if we have become so used to the fact that homelessness is a big there everywhere in the world. Things need to change.

In parallel, the challenges homeless students face in accessing education are examined, encompassing barriers such as transportation, school enrollment processes, and the lack of essential supplies. The McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Program is spotlighted as a crucial support system, ensuring equal access to education for all children, including the homeless. This program offers transportation to school and addresses educational needs, underscoring the belief that everyone, regardless of their circumstances, can learn and succeed academically.

Transitioning to the literary and musical realms, “Educated” by Tara Westover is analyzed, exploring specific passages that resonate with the challenges faced by homeless students. Westover’s unique journey is contemplated about the broader theme of overcoming obstacles to pursue education. The transformative power of education in Westover’s life is discussed, drawing parallels to how education can catalyze change in the lives of homeless students.

Similarly, “Rise Up” by Andra Day is scrutinized for lyrics aligning with the theme of resilience. The song’s inspirational and empowering message is considered in the context of homeless students, drawing strength from its lyrics. The emotional impact of the music is explored, including the melody and arrangement contributing to the overall uplifting tone of the song. Connections are made to the potential resonance of this emotional impact with the experiences of homeless students.

To enrich the analysis, real-life stories and statistics from the Student Homeless in America report are integrated, providing concrete examples. The discussion also reflects on the potential impact of raising awareness through books and songs, fostering understanding and empathy among a wider audience for the challenges homeless students face.

McKinney-Vento Homeless Education. New York State Education Department. (n.d.). https://www.nysed.gov/essa/mckinney-vento-homeless-education

De Mare, A., Kelly, K., & Taber, K. (Producers), & De Mare, A., & Kelly, K. (Directors). (2014). The homestretch [Streaming video]. Reading, PA: Bullfrog Films. Retrieved March 3, 2024 from https://docuseek2-com.molloy.idm.oclc.org/bf-hstr


One Reply to “Homelessness + Education”

  1. Hi Ariana, I enjoyed reading your thoughts on student homelessness. You state a lot of interesting points, especially on the Mckinney-Vento Homeless Education Program. As you mentioned, many homeless students do not have the same equal access to education like the rest of their classmates. They often lack access to transportation and crucial resources to help them obtain an education. It brings a lot of comfort knowing that there are programs like the Mckinney-Vento Homeless education Program to help these students. You also mentioned how books and songs can help raise awareness on this issue of student homelessness, what would you suggest schools do in order to raise awareness among their staff and possibly students as well? I feel like it is important for staff to be informed on this so they can know how to support any student who could be going through homelessness. I was never informed about student homelessness and never knew of the possibilities that one of my classmates could experience this. I also really enjoyed listening to the song “Rise up” by Andra Day. It is indeed very uplifting and can inspire anyone during such hardships like homelessness.

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