Social Media/ Technology Effect

Today, we delve into a pressing issue that is increasingly relevant in our digital age-the impact of social media on students. This is a question that has likely crossed the minds of many teachers and students alike: is social media a boon or a bane? The urgency of this issue cannot be overstated, as it directly affects the mental health and academic performance of our students.

What is social media doing for our students? “One hypothesis that has gotten a lot of traction is that with nearly every teen using a smartphone these days, digital media must take some of the blame for worsening mental health.”(Kamenetz, A. (2019, August 27). (Kamenetz, A. (2019, August 27). We know that social media platforms like Instagram and TikTok would be considered an addiction for students; as a society, we rely on these platforms for everything. That’s how we get the news and know when a famous person has passed away, but most importantly, we rely on them to tell us who we are and our worth. The lack of self-confidence and mental health that students may have will often be connected to the use of these social media platforms.

‘The Social Dilemma’ talks about how social media platforms are designed to keep us hooked, affecting how we think and feel. For students, this might mean paying more attention to getting likes than focusing on their studies or real-life interactions. But most importantly, it emphasizes that social media isn’t reality. The film raises important questions about whether the constant pull of notifications and updates is good for our well-being and concentration. What can we do for those students who may be getting lost in the social media world? We need to be actively engaged with our students and have open, honest discussions about how social media is a great platform to meet new people and embrace ourselves, but also a potential source of harm. In the article’ TIPS FOR PARENTS: HEALTHY SOCIAL MEDIA USE,’ it says, ‘Have an honest conversation. Talking to teens about social media is critical to protecting their mental health.’ (2023, January 20). University of Utah Health | University of Utah Health.) Make it known that their mental health should always come first, no matter what.

Now, let’s talk about social media’s effect on students’ sleep and the lack of performance it can cause in school because they do not get enough sleep. Sleep deprivation is a real thing students can experience. ‘It is recommended that adolescents get up to nine hours of sleep every night, however, very few of them are actually getting that much sleep every night.'(Agyeman, E. (2022, February 4). (Agyeman, E. (2022, February 4). Although social media is not the only reason why students are dealing with sleep deprivation, it is still one of the top reasons. They then come to class tired, not ready to take on their day or challenge themselves in the classroom because sleep is on their mind. All in all, we know social media will continue to be in our lives. Social media is a source, but we have to ensure it doesn’t become the main source for our students. Provide workshops and daily check-ins, and create a safe space where they can genuinely talk about what they’re experiencing through social media. This is crucial to make them feel supported and understood. But most importantly, let them know that they are not alone!





Tips for Healthy Social Media Use: For Parents and Teens. (2023, January 20). University of Utah Health | University of Utah Health.


Agyeman, E. (2022, February 4). Dangers of Sleep Deprivation In Teens. Compass Rose International.


Kamenetz, A. (2019, August 27). NPR’s The Scientific Debate over Teens, Screens, and Mental Health. National Public Radio.


Orlowski, J. (2020). The Social Dilemma [Documentary]. In Netflix.



2 Replies to “Social Media/ Technology Effect”

  1. Hi Ariana,
    I really enjoyed reading your blog post. I really liked that you focused on the idea that social media affects students’ sleep and performance. Over the years, we have seen how students’ performance has declined. Compared to before, the numbers are significantly lower and it’s worrisome. Also, I liked that you focused on sleep because sleep is important. If these students are coming to school sleep-deprived then they will not do as well in school which is crucial for a student. Do you think that over the next couple of years, students will stop paying attention to how many likes they get? This has been something that has been going on for many years, so do you think that eventually at one point this issue will be resolved? Overall, I liked your blog. I also liked that you incorporated stuff about mental health, but maybe you could have expanded a bit more on it, so we know what specific mental health issue someone might develop. But once again, great job!

  2. davidsawicki says: Reply

    Good Afternoon Ariana,

    Great article! I liked it when you highlighted the importance of open, honest discussions about social media’s impact on students’ mental health. Your idea about creating a safe space for students to talk about their experiences with social media is crucial for their well-being.
    I wonder whether you’ve looked at the ways social media may benefit kids in other ways, like connecting them with classmates or giving them access to learning tools. Have you thought about going over the advantages and disadvantages of social media for students?
    One suggestion I might add is, to try delving more into specific strategies or resources that parents and teachers might utilize to assist children in responsibly using social media. How might you underline even more how crucial it is to use social media in moderation while placing a high value on mental health and academic achievement?

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